Make this in your slow cooker – OR pressure cooker, stove or oven. Directions provided for all!

Shredded Beef Chili

As far as I’m aware, the title for the world’s best Chili still sits with the original Ben’s Chili Bowl in Washington DC. It’s an institution, with a run down charm. The kind of place where you have to fight for a table and yell to put in your order. Give me that any day over the quiet hush of fine dining! Visiting Ben’s was the catalyst for my mission to make my own signature chili con carne. I didn’t even try to replicate Ben’s because I know it’s not possible. It would be like trying to crack the KFC code! (Which I have tried) So this, my friends, is my signature Chili. A pulled beef chili. The same rich, complex, heavily spiced flavour in the sauce as classic Chili – with juicy shredded beef! The effort vs output of this Chili Con Carne is off the charts!

What you need

Here’s what you need for Shredded Beef Chili. That’s right (she says firmly). Chili Powder as you know it in the US is actually a spice mix made with spices including ground chilli, cumin and oregano. Besides not being readily available outside the States, the flavour of Chili Powder varies from brand to brand. Being that it’s made of basic spices, it’s so much better to make your own which is what we do here – more consistent flavour!

How to make it

And here’s how to make it in the slow cooker. The key step is to brown the beef very well. Colour = flavour, not only on the beef, but also the sauce because all the golden bits left on the skillet after browning the beef is dissolved into liquid and adds extra flavour into the sauce. Having said that though, there have been times when I’ve skipped the browning (in emergencies only!). Then this literally becomes a dump, set and forget 10 minute prep job!

What to serve with Shredded Beef Chili

Just like with “normal” Chili made with ground / mince beef, lade into bowls then serve something on the side for dunking!

Corn chips – my fave! Cornbread – muffins or made in a skillet (cut into pieces) With tortillas, bread rolls or similar Over rice Stuffed into baked potatoes!


In my world, Chili is just as much about the toppings as it is the dunking part. The non-negotiables are:

Shredded cheese Sour Cream Coriander/cilantro leaves

The highly desirable include:

Diced avocado or Guacamole (possibly I will move this up under non-negotiables) Lime wedges (a little squeeze can do wonders) Jalapeno, finely diced – very on theme, plus extra fresh heat

That’s it from me! Onto the recipe. 🙂  Just drop a comment below if you have any questions and I’ll be sure to answer them! – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Originally published October 2014. I can’t believe it’s taken me 5 years to update it with new photos – and more importantly, a recipe video so you can see how amazing it looks!

Life of Dozer

Dozer on the job – cleaning up after filming the video. He takes his job very seriously!

Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Chili - 66Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Chili - 5Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Chili - 27Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Chili - 40Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Chili - 9Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Chili - 49