The unique thing about this pie is the caramel filling made with condensed milk. Simple to make, no thermometer, it sets softly and has a creamy mouthfeel. Watch the video and drool!

Peanut Butter Pie with CARAMEL!

Caramel, peanut butter and chocolate: Three of the greatest inventions known to mankind, bundled up into a pie that has your name written all over it. It tastes like a cross between a Snickers Bar and Caramel Slice, with a good hit of peanut flavour and irresistible crunch from the chocolate cookie crust. Basically, it’s the peanut butter version of this Salted Caramel Tart that people go bonkers over every single time I share it on Instagram. It’s sinfully rich, and one tart will stretch out easily to serve 12 (normal) people, possibly more. Though having said that, I have been told that 4 teenagers inhaled almost a full tart in one sitting. 😳😳😳

How to make this Peanut Butter Pie

Rundown: A cookie crust made with crushed biscuits and butter then pressed into a pie dish or tart tin. The peanut butter caramel filling made with condensed milk is mixed together on the stove then baked very briefly just to set the caramel and the cookie crust, then topped with melted chocolate (or cream). See below for more details on each component.

I make this with Oreo cookies but plain cookies will be fine here too, you just need to add a bit more butter to make the crust hold together (because the creamy filling sandwiched between the Oreo cookies helps bind the crust). In fact, the crust you see in the caramel pour shot above is made with plain chocolate biscuits (Chocolate Ripples, for Aussies reading this). This could also be made with plain non-chocolate cookies as well – just follow the cookie crust directions in this Salted Caramel Tart.

Peanut Butter Caramel Filling

While many Peanut Butter Pie recipes opt to use Cool Whip (synthetic whipped cream, hasn’t made it to Aussie shores yet and I’m totally ok with that!), normal cream (sloppy) or cream cheese (makes it cheesecake-y), this one is made with a peanut butter caramel filling made with condensed milk. If you’re new to caramel made with condensed milk, be prepared to be blown away! It’s simple, doesn’t require a candy thermometer and the unique thing about it is that it sets softly so you can cut into it without the caramel running everywhere, and it has a super soft and creamy mouthfeel rather than being thick and fudge like. It’s extremely easy to make – mix the ingredients on the stove, pour it into the crust, bake 12 minutes. It’s soft out of the oven but will set as it cools. It’s a well-loved caramel used in my Caramel Slice and Salted Caramel Tart recipes. Try the Salted Caramel Tart – it’s the non peanut version of this recipe!

Ganache Topping

Usually I finish my pies and tarts with dark chocolate ganache, but on this occasion I liked the colour contrast using milk chocolate instead. So you have the dark chocolate cookie crust, golden filling and the paler milk chocolate topping. But feel free to use dark chocolate, or you could use whipped cream instead which works well, but it just doesn’t keep as well.

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I cannot stress enough how dangerous this Peanut Butter Pie is. When faced with a slice of this pie, I always say “this is so rich, there’s no way I’ll get through that whole slice!” (usually while shovelling it in my mouth) Yet, I always do. This pie has addictive powers. Chocolate. Caramel. Peanut butter. Make sure you share this with friends. You don’t want this sitting around when you’re home alone…. (I’m speaking from personal experience here) ~ Nagi x

For Caramel Monsters

Caramel Slice (aka Millionaires Bars) Salted Caramel Stuffed Brownies Salted Caramel Tart

And for the Peanut Butter Obsessed

3 ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies Peanut Butter Cheesecake stuffed Chocolate Bread Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars

Peanut Butter Caramel Pie

Watch how to make it

Life of Dozer

Ready, set, GO!

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